to Allan's Homepage! This is where you can learn more about me. I'm just
starting out on the web so I don't have that much to say about that. My
name is Allan and I'm 20 years of age. I am married and the stay-at-home
father of a 2 years old daughter, Payton Nichole. I married my wife Allison
right out of high school. We are both college students and take morning
classes. Allison has a job as a hotel receptionist. When we first moved
in together she was a stay-at-home mom and I was working full time and going
to college nights. It didn't work for long. I'm a pre-med, so working full
time and going to college is not going to work at all. Allison finished
her AA and got hired right away. She's an English Lit major and has a couple
of years to go. After that she will teach. Meanwhile I like the fact that
unlike most fathers I get to be raising my kid. Most fathers work and come
home late, and never see the things their kids do, like starting to walk
or saying their first word. They usually hear about it later, from the mother,
which isn't as fun as watching it happen or being part of it. Our hobbies
have always been going out for walks, which we do every night together,
just the three of us walking in the park. It's a good way to end a day.
During the week we visit friends a lot. Most of our friends are parents
like us, so we stay and talk about kids and it turns into hours and hours!
We like sports events but with Payton it can be hard. We try to only go
to free events because then it doesn't matter if we have to leave in the
middle. We also like visiting the grandparents, who are my mother and stepfather
and Allison's mother. They all live in another town about 60 miles away
so we don't see them as often as we like. It's a big deal when we do go.
Like most young parents we don't find as much in common with other parents
as we would like to. And our old friends who are not parents don't have
much in common with us either. Now we always enjoy meeting other young parents,
which I guess is not so hard, especially since we live in a big city. I
guess that's all I have to say right now. Visit again and I'll try to have
more up here! I'm working on scanning some photos. Also, email me at [email protected]
(yes, by the way I was in the Army for a while, not anymore though). --Allan